Creative is a F*@%ing work ethic

Creative is a F*@%ing…

I must admit these are not our poetic words. ‘Creative is a F*@%ing work ethic’, that’s so cool. Those six words did make us think.

The massive bean bags and in-house bar is not the norm. It’s a bloody difficult job (colouring in and stuff).

Not difficult like working a 14hr nurses shift in AE on a weekend. I’m not on a sympathy hunt, I love what I do and have done for nearing 20 years, on and off. I’ve worked in some terrible life-force sapping agencies. But, there’s a massive amount of graft involved and very little short cuts (life hacks for Generation Z).

Emphasis on Quality

In my humble opinion, the above are some of the key factors in my personal work ethic and what I hope comes across from Unbloq. Work hard, really graft to produce something to be proud of and be happy to deliver to clients.

You get up early, go to bed late. You work hard to earn every bit of creativity you can and then you showcase it to clients and see what happens. Unfortunately we see our fair share of people and ‘creative’ agencies or whatever the new hip term is, promising they can revolutionise your marketing, get you to the top of google with black hat SEO and add 10 trillion followers on twitter blah blah blah. You may find the use of fads, buzzwords and jargon are used to confuse and wallpaper over cracks the caused by bad foundations.

By putting creativity, and a work ethic that embraces creativity, at the heart of everything, the aim is to HELP businesses with no false promises. Earn that trust and cut the bullshit that seems to come as the creative industry changes now and into the future.

Everyone is a designer or can build a website, but do they have that F*@%ing work ethic?